Sunday, April 16, 2006

NFL Combine Training Technique

If you are one of those athletes out there that think there is not much science to performing the combine tests and think you can head out there and just wing it, you are selling yourself short.

With that being said I had an very inspiring e-mail yesterday from one of my client's parents who attended a high school Addidas Combine. Here goes:

Hi Mike,
Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how matt did. Amazingly, he increased his vertical by 7 inches since the last camp due to your new technique. He had a 35inch vertical, benched 12 reps at 185, did the shuttle in 4.2 and the 40 in 4.6. This was the electronic sensor start and sensor stop so the times were running slower than they would have normally been, as you said. His shuttle was fabulous.

At least 6 college coaches from the camp complimented him and commented that he had the best shuttle technique they had seen at ANY of the high school combine camps. If he doesn't have THE fastest shuttle time out of the 300 kids that were invited to this camp, it'll definitely be in the top 5. Thank you sooooo much. I was already getting about 2 dozen coaches asking me where he wants to go to college, where he's from, GPA, SAT score, etc......Matt's so determined to play college football and your help has been invaluable. We'll keep you up to date as to how he does at the Nike Recruiting camp on May 20th. Again thank you and have a great day!
Ms. K

So there you go. All this in two hours teaching young Matt some of the technique instruction that is in my Pro Combine Preparation Manual. Imagine what you can do with having this resource in your hands to constantly refer to.

If you are going to put your future on the line at a combine, give yourself the best preparation out there. Be prepared, perform at your best.

Mike Gough
NFL Combine Training Expert

PS. If you have not yet got your copy, you better get one or you are selling yourself short. The Pro Combine Preparation Manual ( )

Copyright, Athletic Edge Sports, LLC 2006

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